Legal notice

1. Identity and owner of the web.

I am Elvira Lapetra Mateo, owner and administrator of this website with address at C / Av Comunidad de Madrid 29, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcon, Madrid. My contact email is

2. Intellectual property.

All the contents and publications of my website (articles, posts, pages, texts, videos, tutorials, podcasts, images, graphics, infographics, etc.) are subject to copyright and intellectual property, of which I am the owner. Under no circumstances will such rights be transmitted or assigned without my prior, explicit and written consent.

Specifically, the contents and publications may not be reproduced, disseminated, sold, distributed or used for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

In addition, all content that appears on this website whose copyright and intellectual property belong to a third party, will be duly indicated.

3. Rules of use.

The main theme of this website is: Offer basic information about the products, services and contact of my company (Relocation services for expatriates)
Users, readers or customers who access the web must respect both the theme and the dynamics of the web and make proper use of services and content, especially:

3.1. Do not use them to carry out illegal activities, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order.

3.2. Disseminate content or propaganda racist, xenophobic, pornographic, in apology for terrorism or that threatens human rights.

I reserve the right to delete any comments or contributions that violate the rules of this website. In no case will I be responsible for the opinions that users can make.

Neither are promotional, insulting or contrary to the good tone of the web.

4. Data protection.

This website complies with current regulations on data protection (Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on Protection of Personal Data, Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21, which approves the Development Regulation of the Organic Law and other regulations in force). For more information about the processing of your data and for you to know the privacy policy of this website, you can see my internal page entitled “Privacy policy” and whose link you have at the bottom of this website.

5. Exclusion of liability.

I will not be liable in any case for the damages or damages of any kind that could cause the visit to this website, either by error or omission in the contents or by the transmission of any malicious program that occurs despite having taken the measures Technological necessary to avoid it.

In the same way, I will not be responsible in any case for the contents of the external websites that could be linked from my website, blog or comments area, since they are not under my control.

6. Cookies policy.

This website uses third-party cookies with analytical functions, you can see my internal page entitled “cookie policy” and whose link you have at the bottom of this website.

7. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction.

These legal conditions have been drafted under Spanish law. In case of conflict in the interpretation of these conditions, the competent jurisdiction will be that of the domicile of the owner of this website and, alternatively, the Courts of Madrid.